Sunday, July 15, 2018

The More you KNOW God...The More you FEAR God...


1 - Born in Bondage

2 - Christ Set Us Free

3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty

The More you KNOW God...The More you FEAR God...

See also Dread ; Honor ; Obedience ; Respect ; Reverence ; Worship

    • fell on their face, and were sore afraidMatt. 17:6 .
    • mercy is on them that fear him: Luke 1:50 .
    • Dost not thou fear God: Luke 23:40 .
    • edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord: Acts 9:31 .
    • he that feareth him … is accepted: Acts 10:35 .
    • ye that fear God, give audience: Acts 13:16 .
    • work out your own salvation with fearPhilip. 2:12 . 
    • in singleness of heart, fearing God: Col. 3:22 .
    • serve God … with reverence and godly fearHeb. 12:28 .